Sunday, June 1, 2014

3rd GraphLab Conference is getting closer!!

GraphLab conference attracts the most interesting emerging data science projects. Join us on Monday July 21, 2014 at the Nikko Hotel in SF.

We will have oral talks from GraphLab, Spark, Datapad (a startup from the creator of python pandas), Trifacta ( a startup from the creator of d3.js), Cloudera, Microsoft, Google, Pivotal, Adobe, Lab41, CMU and Pandora. 

We can roughly divide the presenters to several domains: graph analytics (graphlab, pregel, petuum, grappa, stinger,, parameter server etc.), graph databases, graph visualization, python data science tools, and applications on graphs. 

Graph Databases is an emerging field. Graph databases are used to store and query the graph and are optimized for high performance on data which has a graph structure. We will have demos from all the influential graph databases out there: Neo Technology (Neo4j), Aurelius (Titan), Franz, Objectivity (InfiniteGraph), Sparsity Technologies, which are all the leading graph databases companies. 

Visualization helps data scientists deep dive into their data. In terms of visualization, we will have presentations for Trifacta, Cambridge Intelligence, Graphistry (viz using gpus), Linkorious (a startup from the creators of Gephi open source), Ayasdi,  Tom Sawyer Software,

In terms of python/ data science we will have presenters from Skytree, bigML, Zipfian Academy (python training), Continuum Analytics, iPython, Domino Data Labs, Dataiku.

We have a very interesting presence of academic projects.  Some examples are Petuum (CMU) a new system by Prof. Eric Xing, Parameter Server (CMU) a mega scale framework for cluster implementation of ML methods by Prof. Alex Smola. Grappa (UW) by mark Oskin from UW, a super fast graph analytic framework. Stinger - a streaming graph system from Georgia Tech.

Graphs are everywhere! We assembled the most interesting use cases for graphs in industry. For example, Senzari, a company based in Florida is creating the largest music graph - with 100 billion facts related to music! Ravel law is using graphs obtain by supreme court rules to deduce interesting and useful facts about law. Lumiata is compiling a healthcare graph for medical science based graph analytics. Crosswise is using graphs for security and entity disambiguation purposes.

GraphLab conference started with 300 attendees on 2012, grown to 600 attendees in 2013, and we expect 900 data scientists in 2014. Secure your place today!

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